Bitsy project on global warming

Made withbitsy


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# Polar Awareness Bitsy Game

## Theme and Purpose

Welcome to our Bitsy game, centered around the theme of "Winter." We chose this theme to align with the current season of the semester. However, our focus goes beyond the surface of winter aesthetics; we delve into the pressing issue of the shrinking glaciers, particularly affecting the polar bear's habitat. This game serves as an educational tool to raise awareness about the detrimental impacts of climate change on these majestic creatures and their environment.

### Environmental Context

The alarming decrease in glaciers is attributed to climate change and pollution. According to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), rising levels of greenhouse gases, primarily from burning fossil fuels, contribute to the melting of glaciers and sea ice. The resulting warmer oceans accelerate ice melt, disrupting ecosystems and endangering wildlife. Our game highlights the plight of polar bears, classified as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List, facing habitat loss and increased encounters with human-populated areas.

## The Process

### Initial Uncertainty to Goal Achievement

The development process began with uncertainty about our goals and the game's structure. Through brainstorming and continuous iteration, our vision took shape. We adopted a "make it, test it, try it" approach, refining the game based on peer and supporter feedback. This collaborative process allowed us to create a user-friendly and enjoyable experience.

### Design Evolution

Several design aspects evolved during development. Text bubbles became more detailed and user-friendly to enhance the player's experience. The representation of snowflakes underwent changes, settling on a design that conveyed a "snowy desert" aesthetic. The location of the time machine initially in a cave shifted to an outdoor setting for simplicity.

### Collaboration and Problem Solving

Collaboration played a crucial role in refining ideas. For instance, the concept of changing the polar bear's year evolved from walking to the screen's end to using a time machine cave. Challenges, such as walking through giant icebergs and buggy doors, were addressed through logic adjustments and external tutorials. These challenges provided valuable learning experiences throughout the development journey.

## Conclusion

We invite you to explore our Bitsy game, not just as a form of entertainment but as a means to understand and reflect on the consequences of global warming on the Arctic ecosystem. The collaborative effort of our team and the iterative design process contribute to an engaging experience that educates players about the challenges faced by polar bears and the broader impact of climate change. Thank you for joining us on this journey of awareness and learning.